Atlantis Novels
a series by David Speight
David Speight
Reader's Favorite
“A good book for young adults and older kids, especially if they like futuristic tales”
-Debra Gaynor, Readers Favorite
“Entertaining, a fun read, and I would recommend this book to people who like adventure.”
-Ben Weldon, Reader Views Kids
“A Middle Earth book … Atlantis has created a hip, ironic testament to human nature through the ages.”
-Jonas Schwartz, Theatermania – Los Angeles
“Atlantis: Bearer of Fruit” takes you back to Atlantis and reveals the story about a forgotten prince. Aedon longs to connect with his father who wants nothing to do with him. He and his best friend, prince Faeraud, discover one of the King’s magical scrolls. The king left the Asterians, who reside on Earth’s second moon, in charge while he is away. He’s been gone a thousand years and many doubt he’ll return. Aedon is faced with the choice of following the ancient teachings of the scrolls, or dabbling in their magical enchantments with his friend who desires to use them to become the new king.
When Atlantis’ ruling Lord becomes suddenly ill and the Asterians are unwilling to intervene, Aedon is tricked into following Faeraud’s plan of entering the king’s forbidden garden to obtain a magical piece of fruit that would cure the Lord and supposedly give Faeraud everlasting life. The stakes are raised when the life of Aedon’s girlfriend and his father’s freedom depend on him obtaining this produce from a garden which no one has a map to, and most don’t believe exist.
Begin your journey today with the first novel in the series.